Monday, May 16, 2011

What the Hell You Going to Do Now?

Alright, alright. Many people that visit this blog or even join are people that have barely gotten speeding tickets! That tells me that the people the blog is actually for don't care about their own futures.  They insist on continuing the same old cycle and the people don't mind keeping you in the system.....they depend on it.  Its crazy to see the lack of comments by the many people that I know are just like me, but in the dark the same people are crying and complaining that they can't find a job, or please don't lock me up to their parole officer.  Wake up convicts! You've listen to people so long telling you your life is over.  That just because you made a mistake you are no longer worthy.  When some people are willing to fight for you, why lay down and let them fight for you alone.  Stop being lazy and hoping something get better without your efforts.  All it takes is a little effort and mind on your part.  In the words of the system "don't lay it down".

Sunday, May 15, 2011

AmericasUnwanted: Are You Worthy?

AmericasUnwanted: Are You Worthy?: "There are millions of felons in the United States and the number is increasingly rising every year. With that being said, there will be eve..."

Are You Worthy?

There are millions of felons in the United States and the number is increasingly rising every year.  With that being said, there will be even more people that will not be able to work.  Sure, there will be some people that get hired, and I guess that is comforting knowing that you might have a job. The odds are that you won't.  If it is between you and a person without a felony then you will not get the job. Those are the facts.  People don't want to fight for themselves so how do you expect someone that doesn't know or care about you or your family to care?  If you are content with the 7 or 8 dollars an hour that is waiting for you then so be it.  Maybe that will pay part of the gas that is steady rising.  If you don't feel worthy of a real paycheck then stay quiet.  Even with the mistakes I made, I know I'm worth more than that on a legal scale.  People that don't stand for anything will fall for everything.  That is why this injustice is allowed to continue.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

AmericasUnwanted: Background Checks

AmericasUnwanted: Background Checks: "Criminal background checks are used to find out if people have a criminal past and if they can be trusted to work for their companies. They..."

Background Checks

Criminal background checks are used to find out if people have a criminal past and if they can be trusted to work for their companies.  They are designed to make judgmental decisions.  Its getting to know people on a piece of paper.  What if background checks were done before the criminal convictions?  Wow. Then maybe we would have knew about the military officer that killed people in Fort Hood.  Hmmm.  Maybe Bernie Madoff would not have stolen billions of dollars.  Maybe the bombings on 9/11 would not have happened.  The sheriff that got busted running the meth lab would not been sheriff in the first place.  The list goes on and on. The point is that these people didn't have felonies until they were caught....when it was too late.  So typical of us.  Thats the difference between the "trusted" person and the felon.....being caught, but what they have in common is they want the good life and are willing to do anything to have it.
If background checks were done on a non violent offender what would it show? For the drug dealer, what if the background showed that he barely paid his bills and struggles, not the fancy car lavish life that is depicted on television.  What if he didn't accept money for his drugs and just got people high for free?  Would he still be the scum of the earth?  What if prostitutes had sex for free? Would it still be a crime or just called free love like in the 1960's? The point is background checks don't tell anything about a person because there are people with no record at all that are the most notorious people that exist (i.e. politicians, celebs, etc). Really background checks are used to keep a specific social class at bay.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Law Abiding Citizen

Law Abiding Citizen

Law abiding citizen is a great movie. Its about a person going to war against a broken system.  Its the same way with ex felons trying to get a job really.  He begged for help from the prosecution and the judicial system.  Only after he started going at people did he get their attention.  He said, "Lessons not learned in blood are soon forgotten." Now, I'm not advocating violence, but I think its sad that he had to go to those extents to get peoples attention.  Its only a movie, but people commit crimes against other people because they only wanted to provide. All I want is a job, and its impossible. What is really going on? How can a person 8 years past his last conviction not able to get a job? Im not applying for a job that even requires a degree (eventhough Im only 20 hours away). If I can't get a regular job, what is a degree going to do for me?

Listen Up

Listen Up

It seems that politics turn a blind eye until someone catches it.  Something always has to happen before we actually look at a situation.  Why must there be an action before a reaction?  Crime really isn't a big deal as long as it stays in the correct neighborhood.  Then after you are convicted for whatever crime and you are guaranteed to stay at that one is going to hire you! Thats what the judge doesn't tell you when you are being sentenced.  Who's the real criminals here?  The people that have enough money to get elected is the answer.  What will happen when people get tired of robbing another person in the same boat as them? What happens when crime moves to the good neighborhoods? America is making a have versus have nots theme.  What they don't realize is they are severely outnumbered!  The have nots are not only in prison, they get released too, and some of them actually tried getting jobs and provide for their families.  Bills don't stop and babies still cry when they're hungry. Some say, "If you can't go to the store, go next door.........or the suburbs".


What is true redemption? In my opinion is the opportunity to correct some wrongs, do the right thing.  It is a real word because its in the dictionary, but it means nothing to society. When a person is released from prison, he is given the opportunity to redeem (same word) his or her self.  But it is difficult when even employers have the license to judge.  The judging never stops and neither does your sentence it seems whether you are on parole or not.  No one wants to talk about the subject, not even the people going through it.  Everyone wants to sit around and belly ache about it when someone actually cares, you still don't want to step up. Wander what would have happened if the million man march consisted of only one person? 

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Listen Up

It seems that politics turn a blind eye until someone catches it.  Something always has to happen before we actually look at a situation.  Why must there be an action before a reaction?  Crime really isn't a big deal as long as it stays in the correct neighborhood.  Then after you are convicted for whatever crime and you are guaranteed to stay at that one is going to hire you! Thats what the judge doesn't tell you when you are being sentenced.  Who's the real criminals here?  The people that have enough money to get elected is the answer.  What will happen when people get tired of robbing another person in the same boat as them? What happens when crime moves to the good neighborhoods? America is making a have versus have nots theme.  What they don't realize is they are severely outnumbered!  The have nots are not only in prison, they get released too, and some of them actually tried getting jobs and provide for their families.  Bills don't stop and babies still cry when they're hungry. Some say, "If you can't go to the store, go next door.........or the suburbs".

Saturday, April 16, 2011

AmericasUnwanted: AmericasUnwanted: what if??

AmericasUnwanted: AmericasUnwanted: what if??: "AmericasUnwanted: what if??: 'What if felons boycotted all businesses that wouldn't hire them. What I mean is we stop spending money with pe..."

AmericasUnwanted: what if??

AmericasUnwanted: what if??: "What if felons boycotted all businesses that wouldn't hire them. What I mean is we stop spending money with people that will not hesitate to..."

what if??

What if felons boycotted all businesses that wouldn't hire them. What I mean is we stop spending money with people that will not hesitate to turn you away for a job that you may be qualified for? Currently, we are in a "recession" and the country needs consumerism to survive obviously. With the millions of felons that can't seem to get a job due to their past, companies need their money too (or the money of their families). I think it may grab the attention of companies considering that they enjoy huge bonuses every year for their companies doing well. I suggest boycotting companies that think you are not good enough to even clean their bathrooms!

Friday, April 15, 2011

AmericasUnwanted: AmericasUnwanted

AmericasUnwanted: AmericasUnwanted: "How do we become a part of a society that doesnt want us anymore? Im talking about convicted felons and how companies and temp agencies are ..."


How do we become a part of a society that doesnt want us anymore? Im talking about convicted felons and how companies and temp agencies are constantly turned down for the mistakes made in the past.  The debt to society that is never going to be paid. The judgment that you cant turn it around. When does it stop?