Monday, May 16, 2011

What the Hell You Going to Do Now?

Alright, alright. Many people that visit this blog or even join are people that have barely gotten speeding tickets! That tells me that the people the blog is actually for don't care about their own futures.  They insist on continuing the same old cycle and the people don't mind keeping you in the system.....they depend on it.  Its crazy to see the lack of comments by the many people that I know are just like me, but in the dark the same people are crying and complaining that they can't find a job, or please don't lock me up to their parole officer.  Wake up convicts! You've listen to people so long telling you your life is over.  That just because you made a mistake you are no longer worthy.  When some people are willing to fight for you, why lay down and let them fight for you alone.  Stop being lazy and hoping something get better without your efforts.  All it takes is a little effort and mind on your part.  In the words of the system "don't lay it down".


  1. There's an old Afican proverb that says : "It is useless to fight for a man who won't fight for himself." Under close examination, if the blog is " for " the convicts who've been incarcerated and can't find a job or what he/she considers an adequate place into society, then the lack of visits or the no-joiner's could very well be explained. How about, "those" individuals quite probably have zero or very limited access to a computer. And even if they did, we'd like to suspect that they'd be researching job opportunities. However, most likely that isn't even the case. The same people in question are either watching porn or logged into some " social networking " site wasting precious time. NOONE IS GOING TO HELP AN EX-CON WHO DOESN'T TAKE THE INITIATIVE TO HELP THEMSELVES. I've noticed that you are yourself an ex-con. That speaks volumes as for as offering an example- have you researched the many ways of maybe monetizing your blog? How about making blogging a career? With technology being in the evolved state that it is...anyone with the desire and willingness to stick things throught to the end really has NO EXCUSE for not integrating him/herself back into society. There are no hand outs in life...certainly, nothing is being handed out to an ex-con. My suggestion, maybe change your target audience. Try hitting the FAMILY'S of those who're incarcerated and on they're way back into society. Or..maybe politicians. In any event, the title and the concept are excellent. I applaud the effort 100%. But in all honesty, ex-cons need to start taking responsibily for the own actions and realise that since they " ARE " Americas MOST unwanted, then maybe it's time to stop trying to get through doors that are not only shut, but are going to remain shut, and start MAKING opportunities for themselves. ONCE AGAIN: It's useless to fight for a man who REFUSES to fight for himself.

  2. I started it only a month ago so the amount of people responding doesn't really surprise me. In these days of technology even if you do not have a computer they have a phone that is about the same thing. Most people go to search engines to try and find a place that hires felons. The reason that I started this was because of all the people that were complaining about not having a job. I was having a hard time myself. I figured that kicking up a little dust would start something rolling. I have started hitting up politicians (a mayor in Fort Worth) as far as getting really involved. I also talked to a person on the east coast about a possible reality show. She felt is was a good idea considering whats on reality tv. I have also reached out ot families of people that are already incarcerated to let them know I'm here. I been networking nonstop because I feel that it is injustice considering how all men are created equal and life liberty and pursuit of happiness (you know all that crap they teach us in school about forefathers, lol). I just want to see how far it goes because I see alot of other nonsignificant things happening. Prison is a monopoly. Another thing that I figure that would get attention is boycotting companies that don't hire felons. If felons did that the companies would feel some kind of inch, but the chances of that are very slim. I would have to be a celebrity to even put a dent in that. But in the end, I figured I would create an opportunity for myself as well as others. I will see what happens. Thanks for the advice. I do need to upgrade the blog though.

  3. Well I had problems finding me a job as well so I took it upon myself to start my own business I understand how it feels to be rejected cause something is on your background. I was one of those people who got in trouble for something that I didn't even do. But God has allowed me to be independent and when people say no God says yes. I'm currently looking for people that are interested in starting their own business
